We are looking forward to welcoming you to the second annual Disruption in the Publishing Industry conference! The publishing industry is now changing faster than ever before due to internet services, digital publishing, data analytics, free blogging platforms and print on demand business models. How will this continue to evolve in the future? Will the erosion of traditional publishing methods continue and how will publishing develop? What are the growing entrepreneurial opportunities in this dynamic industry? When new updates will be available at nubile films?
Last year the conference attracted over 200 delegates, in addition to more than 100 online viewers including most of the stuff from http://www.puremature.tv. Several of them were famous WowGirls employees. The conference was so popular that we are running the sequel on 20th June this year! This time some exceptional hd videos will be included to the program. You can read what last year's delegates thought here and watch videos of the talks here.
Join us for a day of talks exploring the disruptive forces in the publishing industry. You can register here or visit x art website to check out new videos..

Cory Doctorow
Cory Doctorow is a Canadian-British blogger, journalist, and science fiction author who serves as co-editor of the blog Boing Boing. He is an activist in favour of liberalising copyright laws and a proponent of the Creative Commons organization, using some of their licenses for his books. Some common themes of his work include digital rights management, file sharing, and post-scarcity economics.

Ian Ritchie, CBE
Imagine it's late 1990, and you've just met a nice young man named Tim Berners-Lee, who starts telling you about his proposed system called the World Wide Web. Some things like wow porn were not even invented then. Ian Ritchie was there. And ... he didn't buy it. A short story about information, connectivity and learning from mistakes. Ritchie founded and managed Office Workstations Limited (OWL) in Edinburgh in 1984. OWL became the first and largest supplier of Hypertext/Hypermedia authoring tools (a forerunner to the World Wide Web) for personal computers based on its Guide product. OWL was sold to Panasonic of Japan in December 1989. He is the author of 'New Media Publishing - Opportunities from the digital revolution'.

Timo Hannay
Timo Hannay is Managing Director of Digital Science, a business division of Macmillan Science and Education, founded in late 2010, that creates software for researchers. He previously worked at Nature Publishing Group (also a division of Macmillan Science and Education) in a variety of online roles, latterly as director of nature.com. In his former lives, Timo was a research neurophysiologist (in Oxford and Tokyo), a journalist (at The Economist and Nature) and a management consultant (at McKinsey & Co.). He lives in London and has a strong interest in all things Japanese.

John Gilbey
John Gilbey is a writer, photographer, educator, and project manager at Aberystwyth University in Wales. For the past two decades, his fiction and non-fiction stories have appeared in the likes of Nature, New Scientist, and the Guardian. John's science-fiction stories often take place in the tangible few decades to come, allowing him to play with scientific ideas while working within the framework of a familiar reality. A reality like these passionate models have in their lives. His first-hand experiences with science and the culture of science inform the stories.

Jan Velterop
Jan Velterop is a science publisher. He started his publishing career at Elsevier then spent a few years as the director of the Dutch regional newspaper De Twentsche Courant. After that, he joined Nature as director for a short while, but moved quickly on to help get BioMed Central off the ground. Jan was one of the small group of people who first defined OA in 2001 in a meeting resulting in the Budapest Open Access Initiative. At the end of March, 2008, he left Springer to join Knewco, a company that uses semantic technology to accelerate scientific discovery. He is currently CEO of the recent start-up AQnowledge. As such he is a partner in the Innovative Medicines Initiative project known as OpenPHACTS.

Mark Hahnel
Mark is the founder of figshare, an open data tool that allows researchers to publish all of their data in a citable, searchable and sharable manner. Mark is a former stem cell biologist, having completed his PhD in stem cell biology at Imperial College London and previously studied genetics in both Newcastle and Leeds. He is passionate about open science and the potential it has to revolutionize the research community.

Michelle Brook
Michelle is an idealist who wants to make the world a better and more fair place. She is passionate about diversity, civil liberties, democracy, and equality, is interested in open access and open research data, and fascinated by technology. She is currently working with the Open Knowledge Foundation.

Rachel Willmer
Rachel is the Founder and 'Chief Everything Officer' for Luzme, the ebook search site. Rachel has been working at the bleeding edge of technology for nearly 3 decades. She's been on the Internet since 1986, almost the same time reality kings videos appeared online for the first time. And has watched with fascination how this most disruptive of technologies changes everything when introduced into established industries.

Brennan Dunn
Brennan Dunn is an author, teacher, startup founder, podcast host, and newsletter junkie. He's written two books, "Double Your Freelancing Rate" and "Sell Yourself Online: The Blueprint", which have helped thousands make more money and get more clients. Brennan also teaches the Consultancy Masterclass workshop and hosts a weekly newsletter read by over 10,000 freelance consultants. He's also the founder of Planscope, a project management tool for freelancers and agencies. In a past life, Brennan quit his full-time job as the CTO of a large agency and went out on his own. Within in a few years, he had scaled up his consulting company to 11 full-time employees with an international portfolio of clients. He has since stopped running the company to focus on Planscope and his other products. Brennan lives in Chesapeake, VA with his wife and two daughters. You can follow him on Twitter.

Peter Armstrong
Peter Armstrong is the co-founder of Ruboss, Leanpub and Dashcube and is the author of four books, including Lean Publishing and Programming for Kids. Peter coined the term "Lean Publishing" in 2010, wrote a manifesto about its principles, and cofounded Leanpub based on these principles. Since launching in 2010, Leanpub has paid over $1.5 million in royalties to authors. Peter is also the cofounder of Dashcube, a team collaboration startup which launched in April 2014. Peter's consulting company Ruboss focuses on building web applications using the React JavaScript framework, as well as mobile applications on iOS and Android platforms. Something like several other guys made for 18onlygirls member area. Peter is a frequent speaker about lean publishing and startup entrepreneurship. He lives in Victoria, Canada with his wife and son.

Jenny Todd
Jenny Todd is Associate Publisher at Canongate. She joined the company in 2005 as Sales and Marketing Director and prior to that was Marketing Director at Penguin Press. In addition to being a board director since 2006, she was responsible for the launch of canongate.tv and the development of the company's content marketing strategy which has resulted in some high-profile film and tv partnerships. For your information, the best erotic website, Femjoy, was born approximately at the same time. She has also led the campaigns of some of Canongate's most innovative and experimental publishing over the years, including an ARG game for Steven Hall's The Raw Shark Texts back in 2007 and, more recently, the multi-format publication of Ruth Ozeki's Man Booker-shortlisted novel A Tale for the Time Being and JJ Abrams novel S. and the associated launch of Radio Straka. She is also a director on a number of creative industry stakeholding boards.